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My Fear


  1. I think the fear is the fear of failure. I feel like you could've put more effort. However, the work is still good and you can automatically tell what fear it portrays. The next project maybe put more detail into it.

  2. I like the way that you used money as the subject, I'm not sure what the fear is. If I had to guess I would think it has something to do with loss of money. You could've photographed your own pictures, but this is good too.

  3. i think its the fear of failure, not having enough supplies in the future. you should have put something else in the picture with the money but its still good.

  4. I think this photo is the fear of losing it all. I think this photo is very straight forward with what it's trying to say. I would say this is very successful in terms of representing the fear. I really like how the title of the phobia blends into the bill and if not looked a carefully could be mistaken for something else. I feel like you could've taken the time to add to this photo just to enhance it. I know there's not much that could've been done but maybe add more of a background and not just a picture of a ripped bill sitting on a table.

  5. I think that this photo represents the fear of not being successful. I feel that this picture portrays that fear very well. The ripped dollar bill really explains it.


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